
Friday, September 14, 2007

De duzina

Experiment: Less coke. I managed 7 days with about 3 liters.
Results: None.

Statements: It's not dependency. It's just that without it life seams so not worth living. This sounds like the definition of an obsession, aka love, from many not worth seeing movies. Hyperactivity or whatever this is called it's even worse without the coke. You can't focus, you're tired and it's probably worse than before, but with this lack of focusing you can't really be sure, you just remember that it was bad even before.

Conclusions: So maybe it takes longer the get it out of the system (never?). Or maybe it works like the substance D from A Scanner Darkly movie and my brain hemispheres, there are two of those obviously, are competing. Or maybe it's something opposed to rapid eye movement thing, even if REM are a good band. It's something like a blurring fixation with long periods of no eye movement. Like concentrating on a point without really being concentrated at it, somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep (disorder?). My hemispheres are not killing each other (they are not? really?). Hyperactivity, toxicity, dependency, placebo... fuck that.

Title: Pulp. Is a book that mocks other bocks.
Post category: Mock me


Diana Adela Martin said...

eu tocmai am sarbatorit cu o cupa de apa plata un an de cand m-am lasat de cola :D (is this the definition of boring?)

xyz said...

Franceza si caietul aferent de teme ma omoara.
Well, eu n-as putea renunta la Cola si cafea. Singura pauza de la cofeina a fost in timpul unei caderi/lipse de calciu acutizate care a durat vreo 4 zile. Iar "A Scanner Darkly" e genial. :D

thian1899 said...

eu nu m-am lasat de cola, doar am scazut doza care devenise prea mare :)
nici eu nu am calciu destul cica...

nu e boring, putea fi gin in loc de apa, sau chiar cola :), dar orice merita sarbatorit

Anonymous said...

Sunt curioasa... dupa aproape o luna cum stai cu consumul de cola? Eu zic sa lasi cola in pace... Ginul e cel mai bun substituent :p Eu asa am renuntat la Cola, Pepsi si derivatele lor.

thian1899 said...

Stau rezonabil, inspre prost. Cam jumate de litru - un litru pe zi, cam 4 litri pe saptamana. Dar reduc incet incet. Incerc.

Da gin. Dar de baut gin nu e asa usor ca si de baut cola, e nevoie de mai multe:) La cola e nevoie doar de sete

Anonymous said...

Aici se pare ca nu am citit label-ul! Imi pare rau!
Nu renunti tu la Cola... nici daca renunt eu la BT-uri, desi ai observat ca BT-urile astea ar avea nevoie mai nou de mult Cola... Si mult gin! Si poate un alt T din BT!