
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


"I also like the story to have a happy ending, but I don't know how to write it. Some years back I had a happy ending in my grasp. But I let it slip away"

I might've tried to feel. I might've tried to reach.

"When you don't take 'no' for an answer... there is still a chance you’ll get what you want"
Maybe I never tried to reach.

I never tried to reach your Eden. But when she/not you asked me/he:

"Why can't it be like it was before?"
"He didn't turn back. It was as if he'd boarded a very long train heading for a drowsy future... through the unfathomable night"

I never tried to feel. I never tried to reach.

...oh fuck it

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


He went to the blacksmith to get himself a small simple piece of armour. He never expected that the female armourer will offer him a customized one.
- I could have your name graved on this.
- Oh...
- What is your name?
- My name?
- ...
- Stankevicius
As the female armourer laughed, Stankevicius stood puzzled.
- ...
- Just before you I sold one to a small man called Meredith
- Meredith?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Moment comic

cum creezi ceva?

un moment comic: esti intr-un microbuz, superbus, 8+soferul, esti in coltul stanga spate. e liniste, dupa o zi de lucru oarecare, nimeni nu spune nimic. sa zicem ca si ploua iar luminile ce curg atrag atentia ochilor obositi, plictisiti. la radio e muzica, michael jackson, celine dion sau de ce nu bee gees stayin alive. avem noua oameni linistiti ascultand micheal jackson plictisiti intr-un microbuz, si, in tacerea aceasta, incepi cu o voce groasa alaturi de michael, acoperindu-l:
"Heal The World, Make It A Better Place, For You And For Me, And The Entire Human Race"
fals sau nu, si continui invingandu-ti rasul:
"There Are People Dying, If You Care Enough For The Living Make A Better Place For You And For Me"
si ceilalti ti se alatura, si toti cei din superbus canta:
"Heal The World, Make It A Better Place, For You And For Me, And The Entire Human Race".

geting back to the real world, here it is, Superbus:


Monday, November 12, 2007


Se va intari un dig. Cineva a facut calcule si se pare ca e slabit, deci, preventiv, se va intari digul, dalma pe care, uneori, demult, alergau oameni, cainele meu, altii.

M-as fi asteptat mai degraba sa fiu luat de apa decat sa se intareasca digul preventiv. Desigur inca nu e prea tarziu sa nu imi insel asteptarile. E mult mai usor sa intaresti un mal de rau, plus digul, cand nu mai sunt copaci in jur.

Cine s-ar fi gandit ca taierea copacilor ar fi asa de utila? Si continuand pe tonul asta:

"Don't give a shit about the temperature in Guatemala
Don't really see what all the fuss is about

Ain't gonna worry about no future generations and uh!
I'm sure somebody gonna figure it out

Don't try to tell me how some power can corrupt a person!
You haven't had enough to know what its like"

Monday, November 5, 2007


He had many friends but only one true enemy. When he was asked who was his true enemy Stankevicius always gave some vague answers like "he's not Lithuanian".
Only Maria knew his secret, and I had to find it out, so I asked her:
- Maria, what is Stankevius true enemy name?
- Bolkvadze!
- Maria, that's my name, that is my name.
- Bolkvadze! Bolkavdze, me prometio usted aprendera espanol...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Ma gandesc la reclama la Toyota. Erau niste monstri iar o masina nu pornea. Apoi cei doi din masina s-au linsitit, mai ales el, si au inceput sa faca mutre extrem de stupide care imi starneau usoare zambete de superioritate. Mutre stupide pt ca totul contrasta asa de mult cu realitatea, dupa parerea celui care e scris spotul, chipurile.

Totusi cand visul e prea mult din realitate, iar restul pare atat de ingust, te simti blocat, nu intr-o masina, ci intr-un spatiu haotic, absurd si genial. Il vezi pe Dida incasand gol, ca si in realitate, il vezi deznadajduit, te simti neputincios, siguranta ca e vis nu exista, si nici macar sentimentul realitatatii nu il ai. Ar fi totul mai putin covarsitor in realitate. Apoi te transferi de pe stadion (si nici macar nu esti bucuros ca esti pe San Siro, ce vis e asta?) intr-o curte interioara printre niste strazi inguste pavate. Esti cu cineva si totusi esti singur. Bautura nu isi face efectul, unii dispar, tu privesti, simti, nu iti vine sa crezi situatia care nu s-ar intampla in realitate, doar e un vis, nu prea exagerat ca sa te lase sa iti bati joc, ca sa ii razi in fata. Nu e realitate sa poti sa o alungi, sau sa simti totul cu un nivel mai jos, cu mai multe nivele. Jos de tot.

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