
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Intrigile cailor

Crime is obsolete,
Pain just comes and goes,
Heart and lungs and liver
Cutting hair with scissors.

Don't bring in the horses,
Watch the walls instead,
Paint them all in yellow.
Put one horse in bed.


Cautand intelepciunea
pe fundul paharului
am descoperit cola
combinat cu vodka.

Dar gasind wc-ul
din fundul coridurului
mi-am dat seama
ca nu imi pasa.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fujiya, Miyagi

Fantasy plays a part in the day to day life. Part of me is a song by Tool. Pixels are the smallest elements of an image. Just My Imagination is a song by the Cranberries. Strawberries are sweet sometimes. Sometimes is a song by My Bloody Valentine on the Lost in Translation soundtrack. Scarlett plays in that movie. Also Bill Murray who also starred in Groundhog Day. The pixels played at Sibiu last year. Like pixelated scraps of jazz max in your head. Lights

link pixels performance at sibiu:
link for the above video, Fujiya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries:

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tool day or some of the 10,000 days (part two)

Alrighty then. Picture this if you will. Let's contemplate the whole "chosen people" thingy, and here it's not about love. I am not in the mood for love. It's about the chosen one, like in the matrix, or kung pow, or E.T. You'd better... You'd better listen. E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose. He said: "You are the Chosen One, the One who will deliver the message. A message of hope for those who choose to hear it and a warning for those who not." Me, the Chosen One? They chose me!!! And I didn't event graduate from fucking high school.

Can't remember what they said. Such a heavey burden now to be the One. Born to bear and bring to all the details of our ending, to write it down for all the for all the world to see. But I forgot my pen. Typical.

Can't remember what they said to make me out to be a hero. Can't remember what they said.

link versuri:
link melodie:

You walked away years ago. Singapore was it? Who are you to wave the finger? So full of it. Fucking hypocrite. Liar, lawyer, mirror, show me what's the difference? Now you're weeping. Musta got lemon juice up in your eye. So who are you to wave your finger? You must have been out of your mind.

You must of been out of your mind. Walking away like that. Coming back when I never could ever leave 2046. So who are you to wave your finger?

link versuri:
link melodie:

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The bearded man

After a few bottles of some unusually strong ale Stankevicius began talking with about every man willing to listen. A bearded man was his next victim.
- This ale is very good bearded man, Stankevicius said.
- ...
- It gets to me. I should have not tried to move all the furniture alone in one day. Maria wouldn't help me... It was tiresome
- ...
- And vexatious
- Like my name?
- Like the word
- I am vexatious
- ...
- My name is Vexatious
- Vexatious?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tool day or some of the 10,000 days

Eye on the TV with the door locked, key on the outside, he on the inside. Tragedy thrills him, he feels no fun 'til someone dies. He stares like a junkie into the TV waiting for death. Drowning, killing, burning, poison, cancer, his kind of stories, from a good safe distance. He feeds on tragedies and chips. He lives while the whole world dies, in this forever hostile universe. Hostile and impersonal until he found his mother dead, in front of his locked door. Not so impersonal, not so distant now. He stares like a zombie while his mother's motionless body bleeds. Vicariously.

link melodie:
link versuri:

"First time he arrived in Singapore he never thought he'll end up killing people for money or rank." Oh this sounds so bad. I'll never finish this, I should drop it all and go back. She used to help me with my barely adequate novels. Damn my eyes if they should compromise our fulcrum. "Having no place to stay made it hard for him in Singapore. He begged like a hooker all night long. His first night there, long before getting all what he wanted all along." This is not getting better. I'm going back to Jambi, I can't have tomorrow spent away. "Divided I wither, but as one, survive another day and season", that should be someone's end line!

link melodie:
link versuri:

Monday, February 4, 2008


Poeziile care au stat la baza post-ului precedent:
Tragere la sorti, A cumpara un caine, Aterizarea si desigur Pean.

...iar zugravii care apar aici au fost luati din poezia asta.

P.S. In rest Puma a dat trei craci aseara, a avut un sut la poarta si cateva recuperari. Golul a fost frumos, Gila-Pirlo-Kaka-Pato, ultimul marcand cu pamantul cu cateva minute inainte sa faca entorsa. Faza Pumei, golul, dar si voleul fundasului florentin care loveste propria bara, aici.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Nu trebuie mai ales sa intelegem

Nu putea fi mai rau
Trebuie mai ales sa le futem;
Dar mai ales sa le fi futut,
Intr-adevar mai ales sa le fi futut
In Pizda cu P mare
Dand din pula ca dintr-o coada.
Ah, cat fara de ochi sunt.

Unele vulgaritati pe alocuri, dar e mai mult omagiu in memoria marelui poet roman prin rememorarea unor versuri memorabile, usor modificate, prin acele vulgaritati desigur.