
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mark Twain despre limba germană

Acum un an jumate (aşa de mult timp a trecut?) am încercat să mă uit peste limba germană. Nu am rezistat mult. Astăzi m-a bătut iarăşi puţin gândul şi am început cu analiza lui Mark Twain intitulată The Awful German Language. Tot cu ea am terminat, cred, defintiv cu limba germană, poate voi încerca pe viitor, cândva, cu franceza, dar ce a scris Mark Twain merită menţionat. S-ar putea să fie destul de multe paragrafe căci mi-e greu să selectez doar câteva.

"One might better go without friends in Germany than take all this trouble about them. [...] Now there are more adjectives in this language than there are black cats in Switzerland, and they must all be elaborately declined. [...] Difficult? -- troublesome? -- these words cannot describe it. I heard a Californian student in Heidelberg say, in one of his calmest moods, that he would rather decline two drinks than one German adjective."

"In German, all the Nouns begin with a capital letter. Now that is a good idea; and a good idea, in this language, is necessarily conspicuous from its lonesomeness. I consider this capitalizing of nouns a good idea, because by reason of it you are almost always able to tell a noun the minute you see it. You fall into error occasionally, because you mistake the name of a person for the name of a thing, and waste a good deal of time trying to dig a meaning out of it. German names almost always do mean something, and this helps to deceive the student. I translated a passage one day, which said that "the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up the unfortunate fir forest" (Tannenwald). When I was girding up my loins to doubt this, I found out that Tannenwald in this instance was a man's name."

"In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has
Gretchen. Wilhelm, where is the turnip?
Wilhelm. She has gone to the kitchen.
Gretchen. Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?
Wilhelm. It has gone to the opera."

Long words
"In my note-book I find this entry:
July 1
. -- In the hospital yesterday, a word of thirteen syllables was successfully removed from a patient.
Some German words are so long that they have a perspective. Observe these examples:
Stadtverordnetenversammlungen. Wiedererstellungbestrebungen. Generalstaatsverordnetenversammlungen. Kinderbewahrungsanstalten.

These things are not words, they are alphabetical processions. [...] I take a great interest in these curiosities. Whenever I come across a good one, I stuff it and put it in my museum. In this way I have made quite a valuable collection. When I get duplicates, I exchange with other collectors, and thus increase the variety of my stock.
[...] it is a great distress to the new student [...] So he resorts to the dictionary for help, but there is no help there. The dictionary must draw the line somewhere -- so it leaves this sort of words out. And it is right, because these long things are hardly legitimate words, but are rather combinations of words, and the inventor of them ought to have been killed.

I wish to submit the following local item, from a Mannheim journal, by way of illustration:

"In the daybeforeyesterdayshortlyaftereleveno'clock Night, the inthistownstandingtavern called 'The Wagoner' was downburnt. When the fire to the onthedownburninghouseresting Stork's Nest reached, flew the parent Storks away. But when the bytheraging, firesurrounded Nest ITSELF caught Fire, straightway plunged the quickreturning Mother-Stork into the Flames and died, her Wings over her young ones outspread."

Even the cumbersome German construction is not able to take the pathos out of that picture -- indeed, it somehow seems to strengthen it. This item is dated away back yonder months ago. I could have used it sooner, but I was waiting to hear from the Father-stork. I am still waiting."

"If I had not shown that the German is a difficult language, I have at least intended to do so. [...] And if I have not also shown that German is a harassing and infuriating study, my execution has been at fault, and not my intent. "

"There are people in the world who will take a great deal of trouble to point out the faults in a religion or a language, and then go blandly about their business without suggesting any remedy. I am not that kind of person. I have shown that the German language needs reforming. Very well, I am ready to reform it. At least I am ready to make the proper suggestions. Such a course as this might be immodest in another; but I have devoted upward of nine full weeks, first and last, to a careful and critical study of this tongue, and thus have acquired a confidence in my ability to reform it which no mere superficial culture could have conferred upon me."

Câteva sugestii:
"In the first place, I would leave out the Dative case. It confuses the plurals; and, besides, nobody ever knows when he is in the Dative case, except he discover it by accident -- and then he does not know when or where it was that he got into it, or how long he has been in it, or how he is going to get out of it again. The Dative case is but an ornamental folly -- it is better to discard it."

"I would import some strong words from the English tongue -- to swear with, and also to use in describing all sorts of vigorous things in a vigorous ways"

Aici puteţi citi în întregime The Awful German Language de Mark Twain.


Anonymous said...

Aceasta tema este pur si simplu fara pereche:), este foarte interesant pentru mine:P Bravo !! vreau sa mai vad in continuare discutii pe tema asta!

thian1899 said...

hm... din pacate discutiile cam lipsesc in general. dar eu pot sa spun ca e gresit ca intr-o carte de invatat limba germana sa il citeze pe mark twain. dar macar renunti cu zambetul pe buze.

nu inteleg. sistemul asta de postare de la blogger nu e reusit dar pana la urma nu e atat de greu sa faci click pe name in loc de anonymous. plus ca poti pune si un site xxx dupa exemplul bunului fierar la url, sau orice altceva, sau nimic.

madular vasile coceanul said...

mark asta, mama lui. auzidaanonimul asta cine e? vezianonimuleca aici pe blogselasaurl-ul domnule. si nume pe masura.

hai sa discutam. sa vorbim despre pula. m-as angaja acuma intr-o prostie de speech da nu stiu ce ma retine. parca nu mai am chef.

ma duc sa instalez ubuntu =)))))))). da puteti voi zice de pula si dupa aia ma var si eu.

nu stiu ce se intampla dar nu e bine daca nu mai vreau sa lucruri.

ma da scrie mai des pe blog pastele ma-tii...

thian1899 said...

ubuntu mă? rău ai ajuns... rău.

aş scrie mai des pe blog de aş avea ce. şi nu prea se vâră lumea mă, nu se vâră. trăim într-o lume care nu merită un verb aşa de frumos ca a vârî, să nu mai vorbesc de partea lui reflexivă, şi totuşi e cea mai bună dintre lumile posibile.

de ar putea scrie mark twain şi voltaire un film împreună...

mă tu ai văzut descrierea de la site-ul nic cage as everyone? parcă ţi-am dat-o.

(tomcai o dat gol flamini. 2-1 in min 80 pt noi, în cupa cu novara. la noi acasă, echipă din liga 3)

contondentia arcanul said...

reflexiv ma? really? te-ai lovit la cap ma? care-i baiu?

anyway am gasit o formatie misto de care poate stiai. solistul e jared letho so... 30 seconds to mars se numesc ei.

au cateva melodii f bune.

mai anonimule acuma nu te bagi la discutie? nu-ti plac injuraturile mm?

ma nu mai vreau sa lucrez. gatu ma-sii. nu mai vreau nici sa mor. nu mai vreau nimic ma. vreau de fapt unele lucruri. mi-ar placea sa ma distrez incontinuu. sa rad ca un retard mult de tot.

ma tre sa facem ceva impreuna sa facem bani sa nu mai lucram naibii. sau macar copiii nostri.

poate o macelarie sau poate un bordel... sau o macelarie si un bordel la etaj.

ma pai daca nu ai ce sa scrii mai scrie ce mai faceti voi pe acasa pentru mine.

fereasca dumnezo...

tre sa-mi termin proiectul meu in Java si sa imi fac site-ul sa ma chisc de la retarzii astia de aici.

domnu sa dea, domnu sa ia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

s-ar putea sa iau calea alcoolului dar inca nu m-am decis 100% =))

hai ca zicem si later. grasu are video cu alex am vazut la stiri pe antena3. dan watch out. ma da grasu asta nu e XXL. cred c-o slabit grasu. oare daca ajunge slab o sa fie grasu SSS?

thian1899 said...

citez din madular vasile coceanul: "si dupa aia ma var si eu", asta era reflexiv. in fine. las ca revin cu articole proaspete. lol.

am ascultat cateva 30 second to mars, avea cineva la lucru pe share. is ok.

pai ne deschidem ceva. ce ne deschidem ma? cand vorbim sa punem afacerea la cale? sau pe cale. pe calea alcoolului... varsovia ma-sii.

sfarcolus hodoneantu said...

ma io te interogam cu privire la reflexiv as in: esti bou ce ma-ta analizezi gramatical? lasa aici atata ca citesc urmatorul articol si pun acolo.

thian1899 said...

pai erau si niste chestii de gramatica in articolul asta, gramatica limbii germane ce-i drept.

unii oameni scriu ar trebui cu 2 de i. ma rog, cel putin unul.

continuam dincolo.