
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tool day or some of the 10,000 days

Eye on the TV with the door locked, key on the outside, he on the inside. Tragedy thrills him, he feels no fun 'til someone dies. He stares like a junkie into the TV waiting for death. Drowning, killing, burning, poison, cancer, his kind of stories, from a good safe distance. He feeds on tragedies and chips. He lives while the whole world dies, in this forever hostile universe. Hostile and impersonal until he found his mother dead, in front of his locked door. Not so impersonal, not so distant now. He stares like a zombie while his mother's motionless body bleeds. Vicariously.

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"First time he arrived in Singapore he never thought he'll end up killing people for money or rank." Oh this sounds so bad. I'll never finish this, I should drop it all and go back. She used to help me with my barely adequate novels. Damn my eyes if they should compromise our fulcrum. "Having no place to stay made it hard for him in Singapore. He begged like a hooker all night long. His first night there, long before getting all what he wanted all along." This is not getting better. I'm going back to Jambi, I can't have tomorrow spent away. "Divided I wither, but as one, survive another day and season", that should be someone's end line!

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Vicky Olteanu said...

"please forgive my bold suggestion, should you see you maker's face tonight, look him in the eye and tell him, never lived a lie, never took a life, but surelly saved one" :D

thian1899 said...

i really thought... and i am not sure i could say that.

could you?

Vicky Olteanu said...

no i couldn't. could anyone say that?