
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson

O scenă din carte pe care trebuie să o vedeţi neapărat în filmul lui Terry Gilliam, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Tot filmul trebuie văzut. Este ceva de nedescris, Johnny Depp şi Benicio del Toro sunt geniali.

Scena prezintă dificultăţile lui Benicio de a se da jos de pe un carusel:

I got him as far as the edge of the bar, the rim of the merry-go-round, but he refused to get off until it stopped turning.

“It won’t stop,” I said. “It’s not never going to stop.” I stepped off and turned around to wait for him, but he wouldn’t move… and before I could reach out and pull him off, he was carried away. “Don’t move,” I shouted. “You’ll come around!” His eyes were staring blindly ahead, squinting with fear and confusion. But he didn’t move a muscle until he’d made the whole circle.

I waited until he was almost in front of me, then I reached out to grab him – but he jumped back and went around the circle again. This made me very nervous. I felt on the verge of a freakout. The bartender seemed to be watching us. Carson City, I thought. Twenty years.

I stepped on the merry-go-round and hurried around the bar, approaching my attorney on his blind side – and when we came to the right spot I pushed him off. He staggered into the aisle and uttered a hellish scream as he lost his balance and went down, thrashing into the crowd… rolling like a log, then up again in a flash, fists clenched, looking for somebody to hit.

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