
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Watch Alec Baldwin

Watch, by all means necessary, Alec Baldwin in 30 Rock. He has gone a long way since Beetlejuice. I didn't see him much in comedies but I really enjoyed the Last Shot, maybe the role that brought him closer than anything else he did to the role of the now should be famous Jack Donaghy.

So watch, again, by all means, Alec Baldwin in The Last Shot, a laugh out loud movie where Alec, an FBI agent, finds Matthew Broderick, a screenwriter, and try to make a movie in order to take down a famous mobster. Let me paste a quote about his dog:
Joe Devine: Delores, I have these presents I wanna give to Sasha. Where is she?
Delores: I'm sorry, sir. Your dog is dead. She killed herself.
Joe Devine: What?
Delores: The Jacuzzi. She threw herself into the Jacuzzi. I tried to find you. It was horrible.
Joe Devine: Oh, no. Maybe she fell in.
Delores: Oh, there was a witness. Alejandro, the gardener's son. It was suicide.

Watch, at all costs when the time comes, Alec Baldwin at the Oscars. I read this news here. It looks like Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin will co-host the Oscars this winter. It could turn out to be something extraordinary.

I want to be sure I made my self clear so I recap: Watch 30 Rock, The Last Shot and the next Academy Awards.


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inca un link pt cunoscatori...

thian1899 said...

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si mark twain isi bate joc de arthur si de lancelot...