
Monday, July 26, 2010

Movie night stories (I)

With the help of the almighty facebook I have set up three movie gatherings. This is the story of the first one. A failure. Maybe we can go over them to see where and what went wrong and what can be done about it. So, retrospection numero uno:

The Date: 26.II.2010

The Location: Castelul Regelui
 *cineva a cautat pe google pentru a afla unde e castelul regelui. doar atât şi a meritat totul.

The Time: 22:30
  * marce: de ce e atât de târziu?! 
     eu: ca să nu plecaţi acasă înainte de miezul nopţii
     marce: lol, păi dacă ne uităm la 2 filme nu plecăm înainte de 12
The Title: Movie Night with a Theme

The Invitation:
I have three themes in mind that most likely nobody will like but hopefully somebody will attend. I have a question for the ones who will attend. What theme would you prefer (we will watch two movies and see what we do from there):

1. Alfred Hitchcock
2. Spanish Horror
3. Woody Allen

I am available for details undefinitely.    
The selected movies were the following. Before criticizing the selection, note that films that I had already seen were excluded.
  Zelig, Bullets Over Broadway, Whatever Works
  North by Northwest, Dial M for Murder, Strangers on a Train
  Cronos, Los Sin Nombre, Tesis

The Guests: Eu, Cris, Marce, Max, Sile (şi posibil să fi fost şi Dan)

The Votes: We had 1 definite vote for Woody and the others didn't bother. I didn't vote.

The Outcome: So we went with Woody Allen. We watched Zelig, which was good,  then we went to see Bullets Over Broodway, one of Woody's really good movies as I later found out. The night fell short when one or two of the guests fell asleep in the first 10 minutes of the film. We called it a night. The third movie, Whatever Works, was never in question. I think we barely passed midnight.

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