
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Introducing Shottky, the Speechmakerman

Stankevicius met Shottky at his brother's funeral. He was utterly impressed by Shottky's words and since that day he mentions his name to anyone who is struggling to find his sentences. "You should seek Shottky, he says, I'll introduce you to him. He is a great spokesman and a great man." This is how Stankevicius speaks about Shottky.

Sometimes, but only sometimes, when he feels he faces a worthy listener, he shares what happened at the funeral. "After Danilevicius' body has been lowered 6 feet under ground it was time for me to say a few words about him. I tried to speak but no words were coming out my mouth. I was incapable of expressing anything. The people were staring at me. Then Shottky came to me and asked to step aside. Considering the situation and knowing that Shottky was a good friend of my brother I accepeted. His words were not many but meaningful. He said that Danilevicius was a good man and friend, the best one man can find. He also added he doesn't want to talk from a woman's point of view. Then he said something about the universe I didn't quite grasp but I realised it was only an introduction for his grand finale: "Your death is proof enough that the universe is flawed".

Since that day Stankevicius sees in Shottky the man that can speak the unspeakeable, the man that can express the ineffable, he sees Shottky the Speechmakerman.


Anonymous said...

incepi sa ma ingrijorezi, senor.

thian1899 said...

nu iti place de Shottky?